Monday, 22 September 2014

Minutes of The Meeting
This is a small committe Meeting held for the following puspose:
Discussion about the previous blog posted regarding the improvement and matter requirement.
Deciding the next post title and places to write upon.
Shared some ideas about the topics.

Date: 15th September 2014
Time: Started at 1:35 pm
          Ended at 2:20 pm
Place: S.S.Dempo Collage
Meeting Leader: Suyesh
Secretary: Bhakti
Suyesh Pawse
Bhakti Naik
Pooja Latur
Shradha Nagvekar

1. Improvement of blog,
Decided to modify the information and content of the blog and deciding the theme to look attractive. 
(15 Minutes)
2. Next title for the blog
Decided the places of goa to post upon.
Decided abut places like 3 kings church, dona Paula jetty.
(8 Mins)
3. Main feature of selecting content of the Posts.
(6 Mins)
4. Collection sources through which we can get the information of further posts of blog.
(10 Mins)
5. Next Meeting
Decided a date and the timing for the next meeting.
(3 Mins)

Total 45 mins.

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